What Size Are the Sample Dresses at Kleinfelds

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You open your mailbox and there it is: your invite to a fast-approaching wedding, class reunion, or family get-together. Fun! Then the big question — what shall I wear? — is quickly followed by two more: How much weight do I have to lose before then? And how on earth will I do it?

Relax. You can drop a dress size (anywhere from 10 to 15 pounds, or about an inch or two from your bust and hips) and be special-occasion slim in only six weeks. Our simple exercise and eating plan will show you how. The secret? A combination of and strength training.

The program, devised by Chicago-based personal trainer C.C. Cunningham and L.A.-based trainer Keli Roberts, personalizes your workout to zero in on trouble spots. You'll devise your own weekly fitness plan, recording your schedule on the Six-Week Slim-Down Calendar. Committing the daily plan to paper helps you find time for each workout, and keeps you motivated. In six short weeks you could be wearing a smaller size — so get ready to show off.


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Cardio Workouts

Cardiovascular exercise is essential to our program, because it will blast the fat off your midsection. The more you move, the faster the pounds will come off. But don't stress if you can't find time to do all of the day's exercise in a single session. Just sneak in at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted exercise whenever you can.

The Plan: Choose any of the following six activities, and do four to six times per week. You can mix and match any combo of exercises, or even do two workouts in a day, as long as you've completed a total of four to six workouts in seven days.

Listed with each exercise is the length of time you should devote to the activity for the first two weeks. In week three, start adding 10 additional minutes to the duration of each workout. Add 10 more minutes each week, until you're doing about 60 minutes by week six. Use the abbreviation listed after each workout to plan your Six-Week Slim-Down Calendar.

Walking (W) Anywhere is fine — the local mall, the parking lot at work. Just move continuously, using short steps at a quick pace (imagine you're late for an appointment). Swing your arms, and you'll tone your abs and shoulders. Weeks one and two: 30 minutes

Stair Climbing (SC) Find one or more long flights of stairs (from your basement to your attic; at a school stadium) and walk up and down as quickly as you can. Weeks one and two: 20 minutes

Swimming (S) Do you have a pool, or access to one? Great. Just swim from end to end, using whatever stroke you choose. Weeks one and two: 20 minutes

Skipping Rope (SR) You can find an adult-size jump rope at most discount stores. Start slowly. If you're struggling, set a timer for five minutes, and use that as your goal. Or try intervals: Jump for one minute, then rest, shaking arms and legs, for 30 seconds. Weeks one and two: 15 to 20 minutes

Bicycling (B) Cycling, on the road or a stationary bike, is a great way to work the lower body. Summon your inner Lance Armstrong and push the pedals at a fast pace (think right, left, right, left as you move your feet). Weeks one and two: 30 minutes

Video Training (V) Exercise videos have come a long way since the Jane Fonda era. Today's videos have workouts based on everything from Broadway choreography to Navy SEAL training. Hit the local video store or library to preview before you purchase, and get one that has at least 30 minutes of cardio. Weeks one and two: 30 minutes

Get our easy-to-follow strength training routine!


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Eat, Drink, and Be Wary

You don't have to starve for six weeks. Just make an effort to sidestep common diet saboteurs, which may be costing you 500 calories a day. Here's what to skip.

Alcohol: It adds empty calories and stimulates your appetite.

Baked goods such as cookies, doughnuts, cakes, muffins. In packaged or restaurant portions, these are usually huge.

Salty snack foods: Potato chips, pork rinds, and cheese curls offer zero nutrients.

Premium ice cream: A summertime favorite — except one serving can have about a third of your daily fat.

Juices, smoothies: Many bottled fruit and mixed-fruit juices are little more than sugary water — with 200 calories plus. Smoothies can easily have double that.

Full-fat dairy products: Drink a glass of whole milk, and you're swallowing a hamburger's worth of fat. Switch to skim, low-fat, or low-fat soy varieties.

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Source: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/fitness/a19224/drop-dress-size-six-weeks/

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