Not a single student at i of Oakland's public high schools has to be there. They all make it by choice – willingly, happily, sometimes desperately – at Civicorps Academy, a lease school for young adults who have aged out of traditional high school but aren't too old to want some other scissure at earning a high school diploma.

22-year-old Tyneisha Crooks left regular high school during her senior year; she just passed the high school exit exam at Civicorps. Credit: K Baron, EdSource

Tyneisha Crooks, 22, left regular high school during her senior year; she just passed the high school exit exam at Civicorps. Credit: Kathryn Baron, EdSource

"People tell me, 'Yous're getting a diploma? (You lot're) 22.' I am," Tyneisha Crooks said she tells her incredulous inquirers. "In that location are people older than me getting (a diploma) and I commend them for that; that's a big step. You got to start from the bottom to become on superlative and that's what I'm doing."

More than 47,000 Oakland Unified loftier school students dropped out in the past five years. During that same menstruum, nearly 200 of them graduated  from  Civicorps Academy. California's overall high school dropout charge per unit has been declining in recent years. Out of 501,729 students in the form of 2012, 65,687 dropped out, or 13.1 percent, according to the California Department of Education. That's 1.6 pct points lower than the class of 2022 and three ½ pct points below the class of 2009. But it'south nevertheless tens of thousands of students a yr who leave high school without a diploma, and they're disproportionately students of color.

Crooks is one of about 150 students between the ages of eighteen and 24 enrolled in Civicorps' high school diploma and job-training plan, which is accredited past the Western Clan of Schools and Colleges. The school is housed in a modest rust-colored building in West Oakland, close enough to an adjacent Amtrak line to see what the passengers are reading. Once inside, however, Civicorps University has a soothing, somewhat pastoral atmosphere due, in large part, to a loftier-ceilinged atrium, left over from a prior tenant, where meetings and programs are held nether a canopy of ficus copse that are rooted into the ground water.

The programme opened in 1983 as the East Bay Conservation Corps, which also ran an elementary and middle school. They converted to charter schools in 1995, receiving the state's 99thursday charter and, in 2009, changed their name to Civicorps Academy to meliorate reflect the program'south community service and job-preparation mission, explained Caput of Schoolhouse and former Peace Corps volunteer Tessa Nicholas. E Bay Conservation Corps consolidated the elementary and middle schools in 2009, and closed them last yr citing failing enrollment.

While there are many developed education centers and community college programs in California where people who never completed high school tin go to earn a high school equivalency degree, known as a GED, Civicorps University is the only public high school in the country that requires students to earn a diploma along with chore training skills. The merely other similar schoolhouse in the land, the San Jose Conservation Corps and Lease Schoolhouse, offers diplomas or vocational certificates, air-conditioningcording to the California Dropout Research Project at UC Santa Barbara. Considering they are publicly funded like any other charter or traditional public school, students don't pay to attend.

Other programs, such as Task Corps, a federal program with seven locations in California, offering both GEDs and diplomas, but the majority of their students receive technical grooming or GEDs, co-ordinate to Task Corps data. Those students are not counted as high school graduates by the state Department of Education.

Civicorps students plant a tree at the school's new job training center in West Oakland. Pictured (from left to right): Kamree Miller, Raheem Brown, Amanda Orr & Komarai Anderson. Credit: Civicorps Academy

Civicorps students constitute a tree at the school'south new task training center in West Oakland. Pictured, from left, Kamree Miller, Raheem Brown, Amanda Orr & Komarai Anderson. Credit: Civicorps Academy

"I retrieve it's a model that has been proven to work," said Russell Rumberger near the Civicorps type of program. Rumberger, who directs the California Dropout Inquiry Project and is an education professor at UC Santa Barbara, said that by linking academics and chore preparation, students run across the relevancy of their schoolwork. "In general, peculiarly for this group of kids, information technology'south a feasible model considering they tin earn their diplomas and get task skills."

In club to graduate, Civicorps students are required to pass the California High Schoolhouse Exit Exam just like anyone else. They too take specialized adult education assessments such equally those offered by the Comprehensive Adult Pupil Cess Systems . However, instead of graded exams in each grade, diploma requirements include research papers, oral reports, class projects, customs service, multimedia presentations and workshops on such topics equally Get-go Assistance and CPR. They also accept to show competence in life skills and career development.

Bombarded with trauma

"The academic curriculum at Civicorps is enervating," says Head of School Nicholas, particularly in the offset when the focus is entirely on academics.

"Those start iii months are when I recollect some people volition walk in the door and recall it's going to exist a cakewalk, and then we actually concur them to a high level of accountability," Nicholas said. "They

Head of school Tessa Nicholas started at Civicorps Academy 13 years ago as a supervisor in the job-training program. Credit: K Baron, EdSource

Caput of school Tessa Nicholas started at Civicorps University 13 years ago as a supervisor in the job-grooming program. Credit: Kathryn Baron, EdSource

need to be here every day, and they need to exist here on fourth dimension; they need to follow instructions, and some people aren't prepared for that."

Classes are held Monday through Fri, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., just similar any typical high school. Those first 3 months are the menstruum when Civicorps has the highest dropout rate. Anywhere from 10 to l percent of the students leave, Nicholas said. She suspects information technology has to do with the makeup of the cohort. A new class of 15 to 20 students enters Civicorps Academy every half-dozen to 8 weeks, and some groups seem to gel and create a support network while others don't.

The schoolhouse'south bookish programme is self-paced. Students come in with different ability levels. Some dropped out in eye school, others left their senior year of high school; some can't read, others were math phobic, and more than a third take diagnosed learning disabilities. The average student takes 12 to 18 months to complete the program. Some students stay longer, some driblet out and render and a few stick around to intern at the school.

Like Tyneisha Crooks, more than a quarter of the students are single parents, three-quarters are African American and just about all of them survived ordeals far more challenging than anything loftier school can throw at them.

"Our students are bombarded with trauma and they bring that in and nosotros absorb it," says Rachel Friedman, a former middle schoolhouse English teacher who, as instructional atomic number 82, develops curriculum and mentors the five classroom and special education teachers.

Crooks comes from a family of eight children, iv girls and iv boys. She's number six. For several years during elementary school, the family was homeless; they slept in a car and later in a motel, the kids on the floor. She said that was embarrassing, but information technology didn't compare to what happened years later when a fight ended with someone firing a shot into the car Crooks was riding in. The bullet hit her 16-yr-sometime cousin in the back of the caput, killing him instantly.

"I've never seen anything similar that before in my life," remembered Crooks as two tears slowly traced her cheeks and disappeared nether her chin.

Teachers and staff work very closely with the students to help dismantle the barriers – emotional, financial, behavioral – that might set them dorsum, again. They get transportation vouchers, kid intendance, food and counseling. Civicorps has i full-time social worker on staff and is hiring a 2nd one. They partner with other customs organizations and networks to provide whatsoever services the school can't offer. The program's annual upkeep is about $6 meg and comes from a variety of sources including foundations and partnerships for task preparation programs; and, because it's a public school, Civicorps receives state funding based on average daily attendance.

The school as well runs its own recycling business that provides chore training for students and income for the school.

Check assumptions at the door

Their capacity to overcome tragedy and hardship seems to requite these immature adults the strength to return to an environs most of them retrieve equally a place of breach, fear and failure. Komarai Anderson said he was an introverted kid with few friends and was bullied into fighting even in simple schoolhouse.

ExpandedLearningTimeFinal Thumb"I remember but hating waking upwards and going to school," recalled the twenty-year-former.

Anderson attended three high schools, and passed the California Loftier Schoolhouse Exit Exam that is required for all California graduates, earlier dropping out to work and help back up his family. He spent a year living with different relatives and trying, unsuccessfully, to detect a job before moving in with an uncle in Oakland who knew about Civicorps University.

"It was the perfect time," Anderson said. "This seemed similar my last hope for trying to avoid the streets and stuff, because I was at a signal in my life where information technology was either make some money somehow or just be homeless."

That was one twelvemonth ago. At present, Anderson is on rails to graduate in December, with career options. Earning a high schoolhouse diploma is non the stop goal for Civicorps' students. Nicholas calls it a "door opener" to attend college, build their résumés and exist prepared to embark on what the school refers to as a "family-sustaining career."

Civicorps Academy brings in community activists to talk to students about how they can play a role in improving their communities. Credit: K Baron, EdSource

Civicorps Academy brings in community activists to talk to students about how they tin play a role in improving their communities. Credit: Kathryn Baron, EdSource

Well-nigh 12 weeks into the programme, students who accept passed all their classes transition into the job training plan, where they piece of work during the twenty-four hours and attend classes ii nights a week and Friday mornings. Once they've completed their bookish requirements, students are also required to enroll in a community higher course or other postsecondary preparation.

In his chore training, Anderson has been paid to learn landscaping – he says it's his "first legit job" – and completed a basic wildland firefighting certification. He plans to proceed those courses in community college to get a fireman and emergency medical technician. To look at him today, it'south hard to imagine this striking beau with neat, neck-length dreadlocks and an piece of cake rapport with classmates has anything in common with his younger cocky. During a recent two-twenty-four hour period leadership summit at school, Anderson confidently facilitated a word and planning session around improving instruction and career opportunities for Oakland'due south youth.

"This program really saved me from going in a whole different direction in life," Anderson said.

That'due south the sort of testimonial that sustains Civicorps' teachers in what is frequently an emotionally draining job.

"I experience similar this is the social work of our time; this is the justice work of our time, information technology's what I'grand passionate near doing and I hope I have the energy to sustain it for years to come," Friedman said."You tin bank check your assumptions at the door because each ane them has a compelling story and each one of them knows what they want to go out of this high school degree and this task education."

Past the time students walk in the front end door, they usually have a sense of urgency about getting on with their lives. About 78 per centum of those who complete the academic requirements graduate within a twelvemonth to a year and a one-half. Tyneisha Crooks simply learned that she passed the high school leave exam. When she completes job training, Crooks wants to study nursing, start at a community college and eventually at UC Berkeley.

She and her nineteen-year-onetime brother Jacob enrolled together in Civicorps Academy in June and plan to go along each other on track to finish the program.

"I said to him, 'Me and you went through a lot together, so we're going to stone this out together,'" Crooks said, "and that'due south what we've been doing since we got here."

Kathryn Baron is a senior reporter at EdSource Today. Contact her or follow her @Tcherspet.

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